Tuesday, April 30, 2019
MBA or Ms in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MBA or Ms in heed - Essay ExampleI deem also previously attended various speeches and seminars in the scene of action of finance and economics. I have previously held the position of a human resource specializer in the group I was working with while undertaking my knight lives stage. The experience gave me the opportunity of appreciation the real world and how it works while equipping me with clear visions concerning my future. Since graduating, I have worked in a financial group known as the Alrajhi Bank, Saudi-Arabian Arabia as their recruitment officer. Five years afterward earning the degree, I anticipate that I will a human resource manager with a financial organization or a general manager at Alrajhi Bank. I would like to get some other job at another, larger organization to increase my experience and expand my intimacy. 2. Give A free-spoken Appraisal Of Yourself. Include Some Discussion Of Your Strengths And Weaknesses While I was studying to obtain a bachelors de gree in the field of railway line administration, I worked as a part quantify human resources specialist in a group consisting of 350 employees. I have also expanded my skills in the field by attending seminars and speeches concerning finance and economics. ... My strengths include the fact that I have a bachelors degree in argument administration and vital working experiences as a specialist in human resources and recruitment of job applicants. I also have attained diverse forms of knowledge in the course of my studies that will make an asset for any organization I work for. However, I have a weakness I do not have enough time to adequately satisfy my career desires and responsibilities. 3. Discuss Three Of Your Achievements Or Accomplishments. First of all, I have been able to successfully work part time as a specialist in human resources for an organization that was comprised of everyplace 350 employees. I was able to achieve this while attending classes for my bachelors deg ree in business administration and completing the course successfully. This was very challenging for me, because I had to schedule the limited time that was in stock(predicate) for the both tasks while ensuring I achieved success in both of them. Secondly, after graduating with my bachelors degree in business administration, I was able to secure a job with the Alrajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia, which is one of the countrys financial groupings. I worked in the company as a recruitment officer and have additionally developed competence in the interviewing and advertising for jobs among applicants in the process. Lastly, I have been able to remain competent by acquiring vast knowledge in the fields of business administration, finance, and economics through the process of attending classes, speeches, and seminars. All these events were located in places and were also addressed by different prominent people in the business world who had different ideas and vast experiences in the field. 4.
Monday, April 29, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION AND CHANGES - Essay useRealization of the objectives is the benchmark for assessment, making it a routine for the management to employ creative strategies for effective transaction of the objectives. Implementation becomes a nightm are for many companies where commitment, assessment and review become distinct parameters without coordination and synergy, always forestall initially vibrant ideas. Suitability studies are carried out alongside feasibility as well as acceptability levels, in order to ascertain its applicability in the specific area of interest.For efficiency in management and delivery of results in as far as policies are concerned, strategical planning is usually the solution. The specific areas of action are identified and appropriate solutions projected are brought out for effectuation. The conversion of intentions into desire actions goes hand in hand with tackling of the factors that hinder the implementation of t he strategies in efficient management. Leadership and management skills are the key solutions to strategic management, where each set of skills complement realization of objectives. Leadership skills offer one constituent of the puzzle while management skills offer the other.Mintzbergs model of management provides that strategic management goes further than the mere formulation of strategic policies. A clear articulation of the mission, goals and objectives goes hand in hand with the prosperous implementation of the strategic plan. Prior plans are therefore put in place for the necessary implementation approach, since formulation and effective action are different things in strategic management. The identification of the mission, vision and goals of the scheme before the specific strategy formulation usually addresses the real management problems in advance.Lamb (1994, p.ix) states that strategic management is a continuous process that requires frequent review and change to keep up with the maltreat in the market. The ever changing business environment
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Joh Stuart and Women Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Joh Stuart and Wo manpower Rights - Essay ExampleThe main base of this phrase is that women are subjugated in every aspect of their lives, and so a kind of legal conquest is being followed. He wanted the society to avoid this subjugation and provide equal rights to the women, on the lines of the mens living. Among the many womens rights related things for which, Mill campaigned, he gave specific focus on womens b exclusivelyoting rights to case vote in any election, and importantly the need to provide the women the complete access to education. At that time, voting and education remained as a privilege only among the men, with womens role restricted inner homes. While the suffrage rights for the women came about after carrying out non-homogeneous campaigns throughout long Britain, educational rights were started to be given in course of time. Apart from these two key issues, Mill focused on how conjugal union also suppressed the women from expressing their both personal and l ord interests. That is, women in his time, once they got married were restricted to doing plate chores and taking care of the children inside their homes, without major companionable roles in the outside. This he thought was a major discrimination against the women. Like how the men perform their allocated tasks in their professional setting, and then have a social life in the outside, women should also be given opportunities to participate in social life, as a kind of relaxation for their daily household chores. He further states that management of the household is not an easy task, and is equal or even tougher than the work being carried out by men in professional settings, and so relaxing opportunities need to be created for them. Thus, the article The Subjection of Women can be viewed as whiz of the enduring defenses of gender equality, with Mill providing assorted perspective of how women should be treated in the British society. industrial Revolution in Great Britain The industrial revolution is the term given to the heightened activity that was witnessed in various industries in the Great Britain in the 19th century. New technologies were developed in that period, and majority of them had applications in the various industrial sectors. One among them is the steam engine, invention and development of which provided power or energy for many industries to operate. Importantly, Great Britains foreign policy strategy of colonialism or imperialism also provided the impetus for the industrial revolution to run. That is, UK and all the major European countries from the initial years of 1500s, after Vasco da Gama found the sea route to India, move in large numbers to develop tack relations with many Asian and African countries. However, this trade turned into imperialist leanings due to the weakness of these countries. After defeating the native rulers and crushing any resistance, European countries especially Great Britain were able to rule them. The ru ling by Great Britain does not stop with administration it went to using of resources, both natural and human. All these countries had plentiful natural resources like iron, gold, cotton, etc, all of which were used as the altogether materials for the industries in Great Britain. That is, with the industrial revolution happening side by side with imperialism, the industries of Great Britain were
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Character & Theme in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Essay
Character & Theme in bloody shame Shelleys Frankenstein - Essay ExampleSo, the intriguing plot development begins in the Arctic Circle as the symbol of mystery and unpredictability.The time when the novel was written was that of rapid scientific explorations. As well as many other young men, all overlord Frankenstein was fond of natural scientific researches and decided to devote himself to the science. still he did not just scientific experiments, but he decided to transform living import from the dead one Victor Frankensteins explorations were based on medieval alchemists researches which tried to prove that resuscitation is possible and a human being can be immortal. Alchemists provided such experiments but nevertheless(prenominal) their fancy wasnt realized. But the peoples dream of resuscitation and transformation of lifeless substance was and is still survived, and this aspiration is eloquently reflected in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. In the whole tone of Enlightenment, V ictor Frankenstein tried to explore the human nature. He was sure that scientific reason can cash in ones chips God, and he made his supernatural experiments intending to bring scientific benefit to the mankind. The spirit of Enlightenment appealed casualness, including human liberty from God, and Frankenstein wanted to realise this idea, but he transformed this idea into the idea of artificial intelligence. It was a frequent philosophical idea, and it still survives today, in our century of genetic engineering. But that time Victor Frankenstein use less effective scientific methods than we do today he used electricity. Experiments with electricity were very popular in the 18th and the 19th century, and many scientists tried to apply it in many realms, including medicine. The experiments with electricity were widely used in medicine as the demonstration showing that frog leg can jolt infra the influence of electricity - Victor Frankenstein decided to use this technology for resu scitation. He imagined himself as a enceinte scientist who is able to surpass God and create new life using scientific methods So overmuch has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein--more, far more, pass on I achieve treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation (Chapter 3). In Mary Shelleys Frankenstein the old idea of aspiration of man superiority over nature is clearly visible. Alchemists and different scientific experimenters always aspired to surpass nature and place a man over nature, and they didnt reflect possible consequences. Victor Frankenstein realised the danger, nevertheless he went on. But later he found that his creature is not as ideal as he had planned. The monster was ugly, and nobody could see it without fear, and even his creator couldnt look at him without fear I had gazed on him while unfinished he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived (Chapter 5). What was Victors purpose to create his monster It was an inhalation of a man who tried to use his experiments to demonstrate the power of science and the power of humans over nature. Victor internalized his monster, and then
Friday, April 26, 2019
Survey assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Survey assignment - Essay ExampleWhether we like it or not, they are still our intercourse and they are our representatives in the governmentThe result of the survey made me think that we are not put much importance to our civic privileges. I think we became so immersed with other concerns that we overlooked how lucky we are. In the Middle East of which we barely cared rough, people there, particularly in Syria that we do not know castigate now, has to fight a bloody war risking their lives and the people they cared about just to drop a instalment of the civic privileges that we are enjoying now. What is particularly bothersome is our seeming total lack of awareness of our judicial system as suggested by the respondent ignorance of our supreme magistrate. We do not seem to appreciate our right to have a fair trial and due process which many countries have still to fight for.The low-spirited score in geographic literacy in the survey is quite understandable because we already have a lot of problems to mind here in the US to bother about other countries. Apparently, most of us only know about Iraq and Iran and little about the rest of Middle East. It is an eye opener that more or less all respondents do not know where Israel (1 out of 10) is when it is a major flashpoint of conflict in the Middle East not to mention that US played a significant role in Israel.I have to mention also that the survey questions about geography are very rudimentary and that we have to mind Middle East because a significant aspect of our foreign policy and soldiers budget allocation is directed there. What I am trying to say is, whatever happens there affects us so we have to care.In the final reflection on the result of the survey, I understood wherefore it is necessary for us to study American Government class. It is not only to inform us about the names, numbers and dates of aspects of governance, but also to understand how our political system works that we may become cave in Americans in
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Working Conditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Working Conditions - shew ExampleAccording to Andre and Manuel - thisprinciple holds that the morally right course of process in any bunk is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected (Andre, 2010).I absolutely agree in supporting the exact recommendationsofHuman Rights Watchenlisted below (Compa, 2005). New federal and state rightfulnesss should reduce line speed in meat and poultry plants and establish new ergonomics standards to reduce repetitive stress injuries. Health and rubber eraser authorities should apply stronger enforcement measures. States should develop stronger role player compensation laws and enforcement mechanisms. Employers should non engage in aggressive, intimidating anti-organizing campaigns that issuance advantage of loopholes and weaknesses in theU.S.labor law system. Congress should enact legislation bringingU.S.labor law into compliance with international standards (e.g. to prohibit the permanent replace ment of striking workers) and should also create stronger remedies for violations of workers rights. New laws and policies should gibe respect for the human rights of immigrant workers, whatever their legal status. Immigrants should have the same workplace protections as non-immigrants, including coverage chthonic fair labor standards and other labor laws, and the same remedies when their rights atomic number 18 violated A hog worker fromNorth Carolinaquotes The line is so fast thither is no time to sharpen the knife. The knife gets obtuse and you have to cut harder. Thats when you cut yourself. If a worker really loses limb or life, who is there to lend a helping hand to his family to earn daily living. Ethically, the employers should open their eyes and weigh the resulting benefits and harms of policies that arforced upon the workers in meat and poultry industry. Theincrease in volume and speed of productionshould be backed with quality training and sufficient safeguards maki ng the work less hazardous.Employers should choose the course of action that provides greatest benefits to theworkers who make up to 30,000 hard-cutting motions with sharp knives in a shift and often become victim of long-term occupational injuries and frequent lacerations. Investigations done by Human Rights Watch have shown that workers often do notreceive compensation for injuries at workplace because companies do not report injuries. The claims are delay and denied reprisals areinflictedon workers who file them. Workers are lovedaslong asthey are hygienic and capable of working like a dog. But once they get hurt,company will light upon a reason to fire them or putthem in a terrible job or change the shift so that worker quits.Therefore, lot of people just work with the pain without coverage their injuries.To overcome such situations, according to deontology, a right choice conforms to a moral norm. Such norms are made simply to be obeyed by each moral agent in spite of incr ease such norm-keepings .For deontologists the Right has priority over the Good. If an action is not in accord with the Right, it may not be performed no matter the Good that it might (Alexander 2008).In an investigation conducted by Jamie Fellner, director of the U.S. computer program at Human Rights Watch, the factrevealed was that often Public agencies try to protect consumers from tainted meat hardly do very little toprotect their workers fromunhealthy and terrible conditions. It is also reported that aggressive and illegitimate company try to derail workers organizing efforts. Employers threat workers who try to defend themselves
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Wireless Technologies Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
receiving set Technologies Proposal - Assignment ExampleAs far as Wi-Fi is concerned, its standards have been established by the IEEE 802.11 (Dubendorf, 2003). This applied science has gained much popularity so much so that other(a)s such as Bluetooth, IrDA and HomeRF have been deemed obsolete in or so cases (Davis, 2004). Wi-Fi offers insurance coverage of up to 50 meters and offers a speed of 7Mbps which is nearly 10 times that of Bluetooth (Dubendorf, 2003). In your caller the presence of Wi-Fi would mean that there is no need to purchase equipment for connection of access points, thus conservation capital costs. It has been proven that Wi-Fi offers feares the advantages of enhanced efficiency due to speedier transfer of information between stakeholders, enhanced coverage due to on-the-move connectivity, flexibility in terms of working from home due to wireless links with the businesss database, as well as new product opportunities due to hot spot networking (Davis, 2004). However, as is the case with roughly technologies, Wi-Fi is also accompanied by its drawbacks. For instance, it is highly susceptible to security attacks by self-appointed users. There may also be issues with installation such as the interference caused by other users of radio signals within the same facility (Firestone, 2008). There may also be certain areas called inexorable spots where Wi-Fi offers no connectivity, hence, it is difficult to have consistent signals (Davis, 2004). Finally, your company may also have to defy in mind that Wi-Fi offers a speed lower than that of networks that are wired hence, the main system ought to be wired rather than wireless (Davis, 2004).As far as Bluetooth is concerned, it can be used by Party Plates to allow seamless connection of Bluetooth enabled devices including printers, scanners, cell phones, headsets, computers and keyboards within a range of 10 meters (Dubendorf, 2003). The most obvious advantage of this would be the freeing up of floor space as cables will be eliminated.
Marketing principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing principles - Essay Examplefeeding equipments, baby walkers and bouncers, baby monitors and range of toys which would needed mostly by parents who have children and younger children. With the disposable income among young parents, particularly in the UK the baby trade product market is increasing at a steady rate.The consumer demographics in the market for baby foreboding products in the UK shows that an increasing number of kids and young children are taking to using variety of products which made for themselves to do their activities in safe and easy manner. Purchasing behavior of UK consumers of baby care products in particular is headstrong by price elasticity of demand plus a variety of external divisors (Cook, 2007). Five senses as outlined below dont essentially act as the ultimate determinants of purchasing decisions of consumers. In fact a bewildering array of endogenous and exogenous variables blowouts a very big role in consumers decisions. However, whats se en, heard, felt, smelled and tasted matters in the immediate decision making process. Thus the family unit is the most basic factor which drives buying decisions for baby products.The value story for the baby products can be based on the companions node value creation strategy with safety, care, quality and fun. As a value statement shows the first word is safety. This key concept has become a very big issue in the current times. For instance Baby Product comes from a variety of sources and a variety of countries. The potential customer must be informed about the level of safety for their kids. The word care carries a greater weight because parents and elders care for their kids. Similarly quality matters because children need quality products. Fun is associated with keeping the kids happy during the play time. Thus each baby product must be exciting enough to the kid.Thus a few extensive and serious research studies have to be undertaken in order to determine the termination of influence on consumers decisions
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Napoleonic paintings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Napoleonic paintings - Essay ExampleThe genre of this picture is recital painting for it contains human figure besides representing the nature in its correct form. Moreover, the painting has a field of battle matter that is more significant to the viewer for instance it reflects the history of the Napoleonic state of war era. Upright angulate landscape elongated to feature other images of warring soldiers seen in the background. Besides the landscape is bear and has a climbing. The image is in dynamic energy, which is evident from the posture of the picture. Exaggerated moonlight achieved by the use of buttony colours is evident intelligent use of brushwork to reveal the strong physiques of the horse, its rider, and propaganda words written on the ground.Through the little, natural, overstuffed and direct light besides lack of shadow, the viewer is able to guess the time of the day. The viewer recognizes antithetical obstacles or objects in the picture using varied colours ran ging from bright to dark. The picture symbolises the Napoleon war era in whereby Jacques-Louis David uses the horse to cross to the war zone. The painting was done by Jacques-Louis David showing nap crossing the Alps waters in between 1800 and 1801 besides, which is an oil canvas done on a sheet measuring 260 by 221cm. The picture depicts a portrait painting in that the artist do the whole image to be the main or specific point of concern. It shows the full body of nap resulting to being a portrait painting. The artist uses an upright rectangular background that is enough.
Monday, April 22, 2019
The cooling off period Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The cool down remove period - Assignment ExampleThe subsequent paragraphs will explore and do each category into details with an aim of distinguishing them from one another,Mass murderers refer to individuals who kill four or more people in one location at a particular time. It could be a few minutes or last several days but the location remains the same. just about of this type of killers do end up committing suicide or be killed by the police. Mass murders are influenced by several factors. Mass killing can result when the killers choose a specific take which they think is causing them stress and therefore execute killings to satisfy their ego. It could also take another pattern where the killers attack targets that have no connection with them but belongs to groups the killer dislikes. It has also been observed that most heap killings are motivated by the existence of some hatred between assailants and their victims which is provoked by a specific event that sparks the kil lings.Spree murderers or killers on the other hand refer to those who kill ii or more victims in more than one location in a fairly speedy succession. Spree killings tend to be rare and the spree killing teams consist of a submissive lover and a dominant leader. The occurrence of their murders in order locations is considered a single event because it lacks a cooling off period. Mass and spree murderer are actually rare but it is believed that strict ordnance store controls may help prevent some incidences of the would-be spree or mass killings. But this throwaway is unlikely to control consecutive killing.Serial killer or murderer refers to a person who has killed one-third or more persons, the murders have taken place in three or more separate locations at different times and has been involved or engaged in an emotional cooling off period between the murders. It is estimated that serial killing alone has contributed to 20% of the murders in the United States. Four subtypes of serial
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Rural nursese and Inteavenous rehydration in paediatric Research Paper
Rural nursese and Inteavenous rehydration in paediatric gastroenteritis - Research opus ExampleIn order to know the quality, rigor and weight of evidence presented in a query paper, tools such as (COREQ) are used depending on the research design used (Agustin 7). (COREQ) is used in assessing qualitative studies. Other tools used to assess qualitative studies are MOOSE for Meta analysis of observational studies in epidemiology turn the TREND is used for Quasi-experimental or non-randomized assessments (Finlay and Gough 22). Journal The study is reported in the Journal of advance Nursing, which is a leading international journal that is peer reviewed and is highly rated on Impact factor of 1.54. The fanny audience for the journal is health care professionals in pursuit of advanced practice and professional development. It provides companionship and evidence. The journal is published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, which has offices in many locations in the world, one of them being i n Melbourne, Australia. The journal provide a wealth of knowledge and information that addresses issues of international interests and concern and present them as research findings, research-based reviews, discussion papers and otherwise articles from practitioners, administrators, researchers, educators among others in the field of nurse, midwifery and health sciences, and therefore, I would harbor this information into practice. Authors The study conception and design was done by Jane Mills who is a research pesterer in the School of breast feeding and midwifery at the Monash University, Victoria, Karen Francis a professor in rural nursing at the School of nursing and Midwifery of Monash University and Ann Bonner who is a senior lecturer and the School of nursing, Midwifery and fodder at James Cook University, Victoria, Australia. Mills drafted the manuscript and performed data collection and data analysis while Francis and Bonner made the vital revisions to the paper and su pervised the whole study. The authors are researchers and educators in nursing with Francis being a professional researcher in rural nursing, and therefore, they bring a wealth of knowledge into rural nursing and specifically mentorship, and therefore, would apply this information into practice. Title The title of this research is Live My Work Rural Nurses and their septuple Perspectives of Self. A good research title is describe by Simera, Moher, Hoey, Schulz and Altman 37) to be explicit. It clearly states the general mentation of the research without leaving any doubts, questions or room for clarifications while remaining exact and to the acme. It is also intrigue enough to make readers want to continue reading the paper. This title achieves all this in that it is short, clear and to the point and gives, the general idea of what the study is all about, mentorship in rural nursing practice. Background and explanation of principle Mentoring has been cited internationally as a solution to the problem of retaining rural nursing workforce. Rural nursing has been described well by the RRMAS Index of remoteness in terms of distance to the service centres and distance from other people. Research has also helped in outlining the characteristics that distinguish rural and urban nursing practice. From these characteristics, the implications of living and working in the same community for the rural nurses worldwide have been identified as the most significant. In Australia, recruiting and retaining rural n
Saturday, April 20, 2019
E-Procurement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
E-Procurement - Assignment ExampleDeptt. prep ares a Components List 2) The components list is then forwarded to the Planning Deptt., which plans intersection point Codes (for mod components, if any) and schedule reservation 3) Thereafter the list is handed-over to the Purchase Deptt. for raising a Purchase rules of order (PO). In case of new requirements, three quotations are first obtained from different suppliers. Finally the PO is created, sign(a) by two persons i.e DGM Commercial and GM Technical and then delivered to the supplier. 4) Once goods are received, Inspection checks the whole step of goods and if found ok, it hands-over to the Store, which makes a Goods Receipt (GR) upon receiving the goods 5) Planning then prepares a Pick List of the required components and gives it to payoff for issuance of components from the Store. 6) Upon receipt of suppliers invoice, items & amount charged are reconciled and then payments are made to the supplier. 7) The performance of Pu rchase Deptt. is checked through certain KPIs set by the Company eon suppliers performance is analyzed by means of assigning different grading. Ans 3 Three primaeval advantages of using e-Procurement over manual processes 1) Using e-Technology and an integrated ERP application, automates & speeds up business processes related to the production of goods and services. 2) It in any case serves as a tool in sourcing new suppliers and tendering bids whilst cutting down material cost 3) It ensures modernization which keeps your workplace up to date with the latest procurement/selling techniques. Ans 4 Three censorious process flows of e-Procurement system 1) Data integrity In case of error in a PO shall cause incorrect delivery/shipment. Therefore an extra care ask to be taken when preparing & submitting a PO to the supplier. 2) Availability Ensuring availability of the required material is a critical part of e-Procurement, as the degenerate is committed to timely delivery of the finished goods to its customers. 3) Inventory Management Being a fully integrated system, a small error has a large impact. For Instance, it could result in over-stocking or downstairs-stocking of inventory or distracting inventories safety level, etc. Ans 5 How EDI works? The diagram below shows a two-way genius of EDI. For example, if a customer/business partner wishes to place an order, it shall generate an electronic purchase order which shall automatically go away transmitted and arrive into the companys order management system indicating arrival of new order(s). Once the order is processed and goods delivered to the customer, companys inventories position will be automatically updated. In a nutshell, from order processing till payment, relevant information through out the system shall get automatically updated at both sides (Customer & Vendor). Ans 6 Business-to-employee requisitioning system benefits an employee in several ways. Many terms used in this context. kind-hea rted Resource Management System (HRMS) or Shared Services Human Resource (SSHR) is the most commonly used term in business world. The system provides an online submission and favorable reception of a requisition including viewing attendance, applying for leave, requesting a loan, seeking training, submitting Work Objectives or Appraisal, and much more. For example, if applying for a leave, an employee needs to fill-up an online leave form and click on Submit button. The application directly goes to the concerned supervisor under intimation to
Friday, April 19, 2019
Compare and contrast of two artworks (art history) Essay
Compare and contrast of two artworks (art history) - Essay ExampleThe general term artwork is used in comparing and contrasting since Durers work is an engraving and not a painting like Titians.Durer, in his depiction of Adam and Eve, is meticulous with balance and proportion in much(prenominal) a way that Adam is almost like Eves female counterpart. Both characters hire curly hair, and both are nude with covered private parts. Durers engraving gives the magical fallacy that the characters are somewhat standing out from its dark background (Silver and smith 49). His work is like a three dimensional image. He uses ink as a medium to darken the background (Silver and Smith 49). His style is what is known as Northern Renaissance in European Art.Like Durer, Titian likes to portray subjects in nude or semi-nude. By contrast, Titians Concert herotre painting is oil on canvas. His cheat for nature is shown by his vibrant display of the natural colors of an outdoor environment, as opp osed to shadowy and white. In effect, his style is more realistic, especially the womens bodies whose skin texture is quite realistic. His style is considered Italian High Renaissance, Venetian School.The similarities involved are their fondness for the outdoors and how their subjects seem to be interacting with each separate in harmony. Also, each of the human subjects hand is busy holding something. Concert Champtre involves musical instruments, while Adam and Eve shows the biblical forbidden fruit. During this time, central Europe had been the seat of unearthly upheaval, which might have played a role in the artists choice for a subject.At first glance, there are no traces of writing in Titians artwork compared to Durers branding, which translates to Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg (Johnson 124). In Concert Champtre, the man carrying a lute and wearing silk looks out of place (Graham-Dixon 251).
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Religion and Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Religion and Food - raise Example382). Good examples are New York Jews who consume Chinese fare, though according to Judaism, Chinese fodder is un-kosher, and therefore, non-Jewish (Tuchman and Levine, p. 385). In this way, one cultural tradition oppresses another.Another way, when some cultural traditions historically make a so solid connection, that one is inconceivable from another. Such kind of connection has African Americans and European Americans inside American nation. According to Doris Witt, a history of these relationships can be studied within food. Food is patently central issue for African Americans, and Africans were constantly associated with food (especially, women) because of a racial question (Witt, p. 8).Another indisputable thing is a modern serviceman wide, not only peculiar for America. Its a general desacralization of food. Consumption of different cuisines seems okay exactly because of this tendency when eating we no longer associate food with somethi ng spiritual. Singer describes Krishnas eating tradition and particularly, prasadam when food is firstly proposed to a godhood and then eaten with blessing (p. 197). However, the nearly visual example is desacralization of food in Christian tradition. For example, nowadays not many of us keep back up fasting and feasting, yet its at the very heart of Christian tradition (Bynum, p. 2).Could it be, that musical composition losing each individual cultural identity among variety of different others we instead form something global and common? When having same issues and values, will there be more understanding? Can food reconcile the world?Singer, A. E. Conversion Through Foodways Enculturation The Meaning of Eating in an American Hindu Sect in Brown, L. K. and Mussell, K. (Eds.) Ethnic and Regional Foodways in the United Stated The Performance of Group Identity. Univ. of Tennessee Press,
Smoking Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Smoking Marijuana - Essay ExampleMarijuana can be consumed either by smoking or oral administration. The drug can be smoked in the form of a simple paper wrapped joint or through different devices like bongs and chillums. The contents of hempen necktie can also be vaporized, wherein a gas is produced without actually burning the drug. This method of consumption is considered less(prenominal) harmful than direct smoking as the vaporized gas contains lesser concentration of toxic substances. Studies conducted harbor revealed that subjects were only 40% as likely to report respiratory symptoms as officers who do non vaporize, charge when age, sex, cigarette use, and amount of cannabis consumed are controlled (Abrams et al 572). The alternate way is to consume marijuana by word of mouth in its dehydrated or heated form. Occasionally, it might be taken in combination with opposite drugs or with alcohol or tobacco. This coupling increases the toxicity and potency of marijuana.Studies have revealed that nearly four part of the worlds adult population (162 million) use cannabis annually and 0.6 percent (22.5 million) daily (UNODC). There has been a rampant(ip) increase in the use of marijuana ever since the 20th century. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is not extensively used by teenagers. A study conducted by the National Institute of Drug contumely proved that aforesaid fact. The results demonstrate that fewer than one in five high school vent teenagers were marijuana users (NIDA)Marijuana- Brief HistoryMarijuana has been used since antiquated times. Its history dates back to the third millenary BC. Seeds of the plant Cannabis have been excavated from sites of several antique civilizations. The drug was used commonly in ancient India and Nepal, where it was known as ganjika or ganja. It is mentioned in the Vedas as a sacred hallucinogenic, and was one of the five apparitional plants in Indian mythology (Rudgley 102). The Chinese used to cultivate ca nnabis to obtain hemp fibres and also for food.The use of Cannabis is also found among ancient Aryans, Assyrians, Scythians and Thracians. It is also believed that shamans burnt the leaves of the plant cannabis to induce a state of trance (Cunliffe 405). Besides these medicinal purposes, marijuana was also used for spiritual and religious practices. Scythians ascertained religious ceremonies where marijuana was consumed. The Scythians also used marijuana as offering in royal tombs. It was, in fact, the Scythians who introduced hemp into northern Europe around 500 BC. Historians also believe that it was used by ancient Jews, Christians and Muslims. Thus, through the course of history, marijuana has been used for multiple purposes. The long period from the third millennium BC to the present times has experienced the spread of marijuana around the globe. With the widespread popularity also came the discovery of its assertable side effects. It was largely used by more musicians especi ally jazz artists, for they believed that smoking marijuana gave them favorable position and the inspiration to create music. Its use was glamorised and it was sold in the black market. As its abuse increased greatly, many countries were forced to declare it an illicit drug. Marijuana was made federally illegal in the United States the States in 1937 by the Marihuana Tax Act. It was classify as a Schedule I drug, which implies that it was classified a
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